Friday, September 12, 2008


Yeah, I've been away a while. Sorry. The break-up on the personal side is a big part of this lull but not so much as the frustration of being unable to find a location. Either they're tied to a brewery or the location is shit or the rent is astronomical or the Ablösegeld ("buying out" sum for the fixtures and stuff) is insane.

I was scoping one place a few weeks ago and things seemed pretty good. Excellent location, near public transport, parking, no nearby competition.
"So what's the Ablösegeld?"
"End ess hyoo ken see here zere is motch room for ze kitchen."
"Yeah, I saw already. How much is the Ablösegeld?"
"End ze rent iss very gud and hyoo only heff to pay two munss security payment."
"You've said that already. How much is the Ablösegeld?"
"End hyoo vill not heff to pay ze real estate company because it iss mine direct."
"Yeah, Sparky, I twigged. How much is the Ablösegeld?"
"Ach! Ze Ablösegeld! It is only €900,000."
"What the FUCK? Everything in this place, brand new -- at retail -- isn't worth €120K!"
"But it iss an ideal place. You can make very much money here!"
"You didn't."
And that was the end of the conversation.

But now, things are afoot. New things. I expect to be writing again soon.

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